Monday 29 July 2013


In a country like Pakistan where everything seems to be less in terms of resources , the biggest and richest source undefined is 'THE YOUTH ' . With large number of graduates every year produced by Pakistani universities , the new jobs ratio is very low to satisfy the employment needs .Along with  an earning perspective the youth is to be sensitized towards being socially responsible too. 
The emerging concept of social entrepreneurship and social innovation addresses both the issues at the same platform. It enables youth to earn innovatively with a sense of social responsibility . Young people can use there present and potential skills to earn the living and fulfilling the social causes too . Rather than craving for jobs i see entrepreneurship mean to end youth unemployment . Everybody is resourceful with some skill and competitive edge all you need is to take  initiative . In case of social entrepreneurship you must address a social cause . The earned money must be re invested again for social cause . It must have an enterprise orientation and must be acceptable by the society and its norms.
Taking to a social entrepreneur who is running an online business of handicrafts and scrap booking on a social network website with the name of 'smiling souls' we came to knew about the new horizons of 'why a social entrepreneur '. She says, Present day life has become very fast , for that everybody has to come up with new ideas of learning and earning at young age. Its not possible for a student or young person to get a full time paid job. I started this as my hobby and now i am having bunch of loyal customers. I started introducing work of other underprivileged and marginalized  women which also  give them earning though my platform. In this way i earned and my social responsibility also fulfilled !



Friday 26 July 2013

SRHR is a very important and neglected area of human rights particularly in developing countries like Pakistan .Sexual health ,sexual rights,Reproductive health and reproductive rights are the key concepts that form SRHR movement . Denial of such rights and lack of awareness among youth has hurt them at big deal . Millennium development goals aims at providing these sexual and reproductive health rights to all so that man and women can exercise these rights free from any hurdles . SRHR is one of the priority sectors that needs to be addressed by MDGS. 

The major problem from the context of Pakistani community is lack of awareness regarding sexual health , how to access it , what are the consequences in case sexual health rights are not protected and freedom of choice to indulge in a sexual relation. In child marriages young girls are forced in a sexual relationship regardless of there consent . In Pakistan only 47 percent of boys and  38 percent of girls have access to SRHR ( due to lack of awareness youth of Pakistan is vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and diseases . Beside access to awareness the respectful social attitudes towards such issues is also very critical . 

We can combat these hurdles by many methods few of them are follow
Sensitizing youth towards such terms.
 Making networking and  peer to peer training . 
Involving parents and elderly groups in training.
Taking help of print and digital media to spread the word 
Documentaries and Facts and figures directly compiled by international bodies such as UNWOMEN , WHO etc 
The work of WFP 

Our work is supporting youth in order to have access to information ,awareness  and services they need regarding sexual and reproductive health . The major core focus is on young girls and women of poor, neglected and marginalize communities . We support sexual health policies , programmes and let target people know about them .A series of conferences, seminars , advocacy workshops and campaigns are being carried out voluntarily to help make target population aware of their rights 
The biggest hurdle faced is the taboo of such terms in conservative culture of NWFP (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) PAKISTAN bordering Afghanistan. Due to this taboo its hard to gather people on such topics and educate them . societal , religious and other norms also become hurdle in spreading the awareness